
So this is a little blog to help you through a tough time.

I don't know you, I don't know what problems you are having, but you need to know that there is something you can do about it.

A couple of issues I have been going through recently is lack of money. No amount of money is enough to somebody. In my case a couple of hundred would be enough. The best way for me to get through this is to look at my finances and my wardrobe.

Firstly I have a good job that pays well but the day after pay day I am skint! so I looked in to what I spend each month, direct debits, and other outgoings. I set up a spreadsheet and every time I buy something I list it on my spreadsheet. Yes it can be a little anal but it gives me a really good idea on what I spend and what I could cut out spending money on.

Secondly I looked at the stuff i have laying around. I live in a 2 bedroom flat so space is a luxury. I tend to keep a lot of things thinking i would use them.... years down the line it hasn't been used. So instead of letting it sit and collect dust I flog it! I use an app called Shpock (also online) its great for local selling/buying. It is handy if you cannot afford to post or drive as people come to you. You are able to private message people for when they need details for delivery or collection. You can also hook it up to your PayPal account so that transactions can be made before collection.

If your situation is not to do with money but with confidence then speak no more. One thing I have struggled with a lot in life is confidence. I was bullied in school, I had some very bad relationships that really knocked me down. So the best thing to do is spend time for yourself. If you want to lose a few pounds I personally would not recommend a gym, I was uncomfortable around everyone and alot of people go to pose... which i am not all about the posing. I took myself to try pole dancing fitness. I know I know it sounds like stripper practice and yes you are probably thinking 'if she doesnt have confidence, why is she doing pole' well let me tell you something pole dancing has been a life changer for me. I have become fitter, stronger and proud of my body which i have never been before. You get all types of women turn up... old, young, big, small... any type. I have been doing it fot 4/5 years and I have come so far.

My first day was scary i didn't know what i was getting myself into but once i nailed a simple move, i felt a sense of pride and achievement. I was a skinny and shy and hated the way i looked, now i have muscle, i finally have a great booty, i am more flexible (working progress) and I have made so many new friends. I love showing people my photos as i am proud to show people what i can do. I have goals which i am slowly achieving (next goal splits) I have even been officially asked to be an assistant!

The only one who can help you.... is you.

You are the one who understands you more than anyone. You dont have to do what they tell you to do, you dont have to put up with that horrible boss at work, you dont have to stay in that crap relationship. If you step up and say no, you already have gained the confidence you need.... dont let anyone stop you achieving what you want in life.

If you would like me to do another motivational blog about mental health or problem solving, drop me a comment. :)



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