What a Monday...

After an eventful weekend looking after my little nephew, it soon became Monday....
Now lets be honest who actually likes Mondays? anyone? To be fair mine hasn't been the worst but would have much rather of stayed in bed. The weather was horrific for starters (are we ever going to have a summer?) and I really didn't have the motivation to do anything.

I had a bad food day as well, lunch consisted of a Pot Noodle... king size... (totally healthy) and a shit tone of coffee. Most of my day consists of food whether it be eating it or thinking it. I'm usually asking Kev at 11am 'What are we having for dinner tonight?' knowing that if he suggests anything I end up doing something else anyway haha #relationshipgoals!

So seeing as I hadn't prepared anything and I've not been shopping, we ended up having an Aldi ready meal curry. Now I gotta say they are amazing, Aldi in general is amazing. We can get anything there! ok some stuff isn't amazing and some people love their named brands, but for us who are skint at the end of the month really love it (well i do).

We needed a quick meal tonight anyway as I had two pole fitness classes and 1 boxing class, so three hours of work out. Feeling like a whole new woman! PAH! pretty sure the calories I burnt in those three hours were quickly put back on in less than 30 mins from having dinner.. totes worth it.

My best friend Tee was teaching the classes tonight as my normal instructor is sunning it up in Jamaica! lucky for some ahy! i cant moan my passport has been expired for the last 3 months, another thing to add to the 'to do' list.

Also this weekend my wedding dress has got approval from the mother in law! next task on the wedding list is creating the centrepieces. It may seem early but I need to test out what i actually want as I can be a little indecisive. I have spray paint, glitter spray paint, flowers and so many wine and JD bottles.... I didn't finish them all... well maybe majority of them. Will keep you posted on that!

Hope you all had a good Monday, stay tuned for more fun filled rambles... sorry blogs by me Beth!



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