
Showing posts from August, 2018

My Top 10 Fave Summer Clothes & Accessories!

Here is a little insight to what items of clothing and accessories i love to wear. As I still am holding on to the fact that its still summer i will show you some of my fave summer outfits!  No. 1 - Yellow Floral Maxi Skirt.  I got this from a place called Janes Stalls, it is a little stall that sells out of season stock. The prices are great and the items can range from places such as Primark to New Look and more. I got this skirt for £5! BARGAIN! it has two slits either side, sometimes when i walk the bit in the middle tucks in and makes it look odd but i love it! its so summery and bright! Unfortunately you cannot get it from there anymore as it was a while ago. Links below for where to find it. No. 2 - Floral Print Wrap Blouse This is a new purchase that I got from Asos using some birthday vouchers. It is still summery but you can wear it throughout the year. I got this for about £16 I loved pairing it with my black jeans and boots for an eve...

Jugglez - Week 1

I have recently started going to an evening class which involves doing some circus acts. Last Friday was my first class. My Best friend is very into Poi where you swing balls around gracefully, some set them on fire, some are just fluffy. I was also keen to give it a go, so when she mentioned a little pop up circus training class was going on at a local school, I had to go.  The Poi was a lot harder than i thought... Tee (my bestie) has been watching a few vids on YouTube and practising in the pole studio. When it came to someone showing us properly it took us by surprise! I think I was hit by the balls about half a dozen times, pretty sure i nearly knocked myself out. Tee was in her element and loving it, although there were a few new moves that she was trying to get the hang of which made her go and have a smoke lol.  After being shell shocked by all these balls flying around (take that as you like) I thought "mmm maybe I should try something else"  As I looked ...


So this is a little blog to help you through a tough time. I don't know you, I don't know what problems you are having, but you need to know that there is something you can do about it. A couple of issues I have been going through recently is lack of money. No amount of money is enough to somebody. In my case a couple of hundred would be enough. The best way for me to get through this is to look at my finances and my wardrobe. Firstly I have a good job that pays well but the day after pay day I am skint! so I looked in to what I spend each month, direct debits, and other outgoings. I set up a spreadsheet and every time I buy something I list it on my spreadsheet. Yes it can be a little anal but it gives me a really good idea on what I spend and what I could cut out spending money on. Secondly I looked at the stuff i have laying around. I live in a 2 bedroom flat so space is a luxury. I tend to keep a lot of things thinking i would use them.... years down the line it has...